

Kiraru2002's Roomのチュートリアルが更新

  • Kiraru2002's Roomの「<あなたも、プラグイン作ってみません?>コーナー」が更新されました。


  • Doom9's Forum - RestoreFPS

    It should be substantially faster, and it removes the factor of two limitation. I still don't particularly recommended it for that case, as the output is very sensitive to the phase parameter -- i.e. having that even slightly out will cause a few blends to drop through.

  • ThresholdIncreaseFPSフィルタを追加。
    • 書式
      ThresholdIncreaseFPS (float fps, float threshold)
    • thresholdについて

      Doom9's Forum - RestoreFPS

      the new frame is between two frames of the input stream and their weights are: 20% and 80%, if I set the threshold to 30%, only the 2nd frame will be in the output.

pitch alignmentの変更は、2.5.6正式版では削除されるかも?

  • DGDecodeでpostprocessを有効にすると出力がおかしくなる(参照)のは、2.5.6 beta3におけるpitch alignmentの変更に伴うもの。
  • DGDecodeだけでなく、他のフィルタやアプリケーションに影響が出る恐れがあるため、AviSynth 2.5.6の正式リリース版では、この変更は削除されるかも。
    • Doom9's Forum - AviSynth 2.5.6 CVS Pre-Releases. [May 6th]

      Fine if mod 32 turns out to be an insurmountable problem then we leave it out in the final released version and try again in 2.5.7, just like we will probably have to do with the "Evaluate: (Un)Recognised exception." SEH problem with XPsp2.

To improve performance when overlaying a static image ...

最終更新日時: 2005-05-11 (水) 23:57:08 (6916d)