
TIVTC - 2005/07/31 v0.9.9.4

FFT3DFilter v.1.5.2ミラーサイト

ApplyEvery v0.3.1

  • 変更点(AppluEvery.htmlより引用)
    • 0.3.1
      • Fixed(?) some off-by-one errors in InterleaveEvery.
  • 2005-07-31 21:53:46 の時点では、stickboy's AviSynth Stuffには、v0.3.1のリリースについてアナウンスされていません。

avsFilmCutter version July 30, 2005

  • 変更点

    Doom9's Forum - avsFilmCutter Ver 0.3b a new tool for AviSynth

    1. filmcutter.ini is not compatable between versions 0.2b & 0.3b. Please delete filmcutter.ini or place version 0.3b in a new folder.
    2. Select/Add encoder now handles cancel from the add encoder dialog properly(will not add a NULL encoder) no more NULL encoders.
    3. "Script Write" now has a dialog box allowing selection of Aligned or UnAligned Splice.
    4. Script edit view has a six button tool bar on the right. Button six is shared with trim edit view and is meant for your external viewer.
    5. Quick internal preview of unsaved script available thought menu or F5. External viewer will also display unsaved script when launched from script editor. Pressing F5 will play the current viewed script.
    6. Script editor and viewer windows both track the source/project checkbox.


最終更新日時: 2014-03-13 (木) 00:07:30 (3697d)