
MaskTools 2.0 alpha 1

  • スクラッチから書き直されたMaskTools 2.0 alpha 1

    Doom9's Forum - MaskTools 2.0 alpha 1

    The code has been rewritten from scratch, mainly to make it easily portable to the upcoming Avisynth 3.0.

  • 動作にはAviSynth 2.5.6が必要。

    Avisynth 2.5.6 is required. It might very well not work at all with previous version.(readme.txtより)

  • 変更点

    Doom9's Forum - MaskTools 2.0 alpha 1

    All inline asm has been ported to nasm. Some filters have disappeared. Some behaviors have changed. All named have changed, to allow you to use both MaskTools v1.5.8 and 2.0a.(1.5.8と2.0aの併用も可能)

  • 利用可能なフィルタ(readme.txtより)

    * masks

    + mt_edge

    + mt_motion

    + mt_mapped

    * morphologic

    + mt_expand

    + mt_inpand

    + mt_inflate

    + mt_inflate

    * luts

    + mt_lut

    + mt_lutxy

    * merge

    + mt_merge

    * operators

    + mt_logic

    + mt_hysteresis

    + mt_invert

    + mt_binarize


最終更新日時: 2005-08-22 (月) 00:00:21 (6821d)