AviSynth のバックアップ差分(No.15)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。


AviSynth自身は、グラフィカル・ユーザー・インターフェイス(GUI)を備えていませんが、代わりに、高度なノンリニア編集を可能にするスクリプトシステムに依存しています。これは、最初は退屈で非直観的に見えますが、とてもパワフルであり、正確な、首尾一貫した、再現性のあるやり方でプロジェクトを管理するための、非常に優れた方法です。テキストベースのスクリプトは人間が読むことができる(human readable)ため、プロジェクトは本質的に自己文書化する(self-documenting)のです。スクリプト言語はシンプルですが、パワフルです。そして、有用でユニークな効果の洗練されたパレットを開発するために、基礎的なオペレーションから複雑なフィルタを作成することができます。

//Interested? On this site, you can read [[more about AviSynth>MoreAboutAviSynth]], search the official [[AviSynth manual>AviSynthManual]], and browse the [[AviSynth FAQ>AviSynthFAQ]]. Or you can jump straight to the [[[download page]:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57023]] at [[SourceForge]].
興味を持ちましたか?このサイトでは、[[AviSynthに関するもっと多くのこと>MoreAboutAviSynth]]を読んだり、公式の[[AviSynthマニュアル>AviSynthManual]]を検索したり、[[AviSynth FAQ>AviSynthFAQ]]を閲覧したりすることができます。あるいは、[[SourceForge]]の[[[ダウンロードページ]:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=57023]]へ、直接、ジャンプすることもできます。

//If you have only limited online time available you can [[[download a snapshot]:http://www.avisynth.org/warpenterprises/index.html#snapshot]] of this site (the snapshot is generated manually, so it won't always be up-to-date!).

//**All About Scripts [#i93b8455]
//-[[Your First Script>YourFirstScript]] - A guide for total newbies.
//-[[Script Examples>ScriptExamples]] - Assorted examples for putting everything together in the real world.
//-[[Shared Functions>ShareFunctions]] - Functions that you think can be commonly re-used.
//-[[Script Grammar>ScriptGrammar]] - The official reference documentation.

//**Filters Filters Filters [#u1958329]
//-[[Filter Introduction>MostCommonFilters]] - An introductory guide for getting started with AviSynth.
//-[[Internal Filters>FiltersByCategory]] - The official list of included filters, organized by category.
//-[[3rd-party plugins for AviSynth v1.0x/v2.0x>Section3 Filters, plugins and colorspaces#content_1_3]] and
//-[[3rd-party plugins for AviSynth v2.5x>Section3 Filters, plugins and colorspaces#content_1_4]] by some of our finest authors, organized here for your downloading pleasure.
//-[[[Avisynth Filter Collection]:http://www.avisynth.org/warpenterprises/]] organized by WarpEnterprises.

//**Tips & Guides [#dd5da264]
//-[[AviSynth FAQ>AviSynth.org FAQ]] - Answers to many common problems.
//-[[AviSynth Guides>AviSynthGuides]] - Tips on specific conversion types and common tasks.
//-[[Advanced Topics]] - Everything about interlaced vs field-based video, the chroma upsampling error and sampling, color conversions, and variable framerate and hybrid video.
//-[[Beginner Tips>BeginnerTips]] for simple tasks.
//-[[Intermediate Tips>IntermediateTips]] for more complex tasks.
//-[[Advanced Tips>Advanced Tips]] for advanced and specific tasks.
//-[[doom9 forum>DoomNineForum]] - forums for help and user support
//-[[Troubleshooting]] your scripts and configuration.

//**Development [#tc19f742]
//-[[The official SourceForge project>SourceForge]]
//-[[Compiling AviSynth and AviSynth-plugins>CompilingAviSynth]] - Learn how to compile AviSynth and AviSynth plugins.
//-[[Filter SDK>FilterSDK]] - AviSynth plugin programming tips.
//-[[Want to get involved?>GetInvolved]]
//-[[[AviSynth Developer Forum]:http://forum.doom9.org/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=69]]
//-[[The ongoing change-list>ChangeList]]

//**Random Musings [#d923c3fb]
//-[[AviSynth in other languages.>AviSynthInOtherLanguages]]
//-[[Forking around....>ForkingAround]]
//-[[Syntax highlighting definitions>SyntaxHighlighting]] for common text editors.

//**Avisynth.org [#s1667f89]
//Welcome to our [[[Wiki]:http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]! This will hopefully evolve into a compendium of AviSynth tips, scripts, and a (brief) history. Since none of this is going to happen until someone gets the ball rolling, I'll give it a shot by creating a rudimentary index. Feel free to pitch in and help out! Here's a basic [[[command summary]:http://tavi.sourceforge.net/FormattingRules]] for working with Wikis.
//The site layout is inspired by [[[EasyTopicMaps]:http://easytopicmaps.com/]] (with permission). 


註: このページは、http://www.avisynth.org/AviSynthの一部を日本語訳したものです。