
Proposal for AviSynth 2.6(AviSynth 2.6のための提案)

  • これは何?
    • AviSynth開発者の一人であるsh0dan氏からの、AviSynth 2.6に向けた提案。
  • 概要

    Doom9's Forum - Proposal for AviSynth 2.6

    Design goal proposals:

    *) Full compatibility with existing 2.5 plugins.

    *) Full compatibility with API. Meaning 2.5 filters should recompile with new avisynth.h without modification.

    *) New features must be implementable within reasonable timeframe.

    Proposed additions:

    *) Y8 planar format.

    *) YUV 4:4:4 planar format.

    *) All planes delivered to filters are 16 byte adress aligned and have mod 16 pitch.

    *) Thread-safe avisynth.h.

    *) Add MaskTools to the core.

    Possible additions:

    *) Official Win64 support.

    *) Intelligent frame prefetching on multicpu/core.


    *) Y8 planar format. We are doing a lot of masks and similar stuff. Not always having two chroma channels to worry about would yeild good speedups.

    *) YUV 4:4:4. Not being able to do YUV without having subsampled chroma is just annoying.

    *) MaskTools Simply a spectacular package, with really good generic tools used by many script fuctions. Would also be great for developers to be able to use the filters by using env->Invoke.

bug cropping in LanczosResize in YV12 mode

  • LanczosResizeフィルタの中のクロップ用パラメータで、2の倍数 以外 の値を指定したときのバグ。
    • リサイズフィルタの中のクロップは小数単位で指定することができるはずなのに、YV12モードでは2の倍数でないとダメというもの。
    • SourceForge.netにて、バグリポートされています。
  • これは、元々、Doom9's Forum - Is there a way around this resizing "bug"?で報告されたものです。
  • ほかのリサイズフィルタにも関係あるかもしれないとのこと。

    bug cropping in LanczosResize in YV12 mode

    bug LanczosResize in YV12 mode (perhaps other resizers too):

最終更新日時: 2005-08-13 (土) 23:51:54 (6831d)