
BlockOverlap v.0.1 - deblocking filter for MVTools

  • これは何?

    BlockOverlap plugin for AviSynth

    Great motion compensation plugin MVTools by Manao often produces local blocking artifactes on compensated clip.

    BlockOverlap plugin deblock it by using two input compensated clips with shifted block positions.



  • 特徴と制限

    BlockOverlap plugin for AviSynth

    1. Works only in YV12 color format.(YV12でのみ動作)
    2. Directly works with progressive clips only. For interlaced sources, you must use appropriate methods (SeparateFieds, SelectEven,SelectOdd, Bob, etc).(プログレッシブのみ)
    3. Block sizes must be mod 2.(ブロックサイズは2の倍数)
    4. Tested with Avisynth 2.5.6.(AviSynth 2.5.6でテスト)
    5. Not assembler optimized, but quite fast (itself).(最適化されていないが高速)
    6. Blending mode with kernel=0 is the same as Avisynth command Overlay with opacity=0.5. In this mode the filter can not remove all block artifactes, but it halve them, try use some additional deblock filter.(kernel=0のブレンドモードはopacity=0.5のOverlayと同じ ...)
    7. Mode kernel=1.0 effectively smoothes blocks, but can produce some dot (circle) artefactes instead.(kernel=1.0はブロックを平滑化するが、代わりにドット(円)状の人工ノイズを作る)
  • ノイズ付加・ブロックノイズ除去に追加しました。
最終更新日時: 2005-10-14 (金) 23:46:25 (6761d)