
avsFilmCutter alpha 2(ビデオ編集ツール)

  • alpha 1 からの変更点(alphaChange.txt より一部抜粋)


    - For the video editor, two new items in the row button menu, Jump to Start Frame and Jump to End Frame. Another great idea from a user, thanks towtruck, aka Andy


    (a1) Found the cause of encoder dialog window title haveing the encoder path almost off the page.

    (a1) FilmCutter has had a string white space stripping ghost for sometime. Exercised one in the function parameter parser in mydlg.h

    (a1) Encoding interface code had a few unintentional message boxes, sorry.

    (a1) For those that edit using projects, if you had occasion to use the tabs on the editor they should work ASAP instead of waiting for the mouse to move.

    (a1) Alpha video window poped a message box when closed

    (a1) An illegal resourse assignment has been fixed 98 & ME and nt4 users, sorry I didn't know, rejoyce.(IanB)

    (a1) Another issue with dynamic memory allocation resolved in the video interface.(IanB)

    (a1) FilmCutter would choke on a corrupted ini file and loop endlessly.

    (a1) Dialog bug in alpha 1 options dialog help button opens lots of help windows. Wow!

    (a1) Ever wonder what your screen saver keeps coming back. You turn it off, it comes back. Oops, FilmCutter can disable screen saver and power saver settins but always restores them. If now checks the states and preserves your system settings.

    (a1) Play was activate-able without a loaded video.

    (a1) Script writing options dialog proc had some window errors.


    (a1) While bug hunting the parameter help dialog I added code to prevent parameter strings from exceeding 260 characters (max path length).

  • alpha 版は実行ファイルのみなので、使用するには前のバージョンをあらかじめ用意しておき、実行ファイルのみ入れ替える必要があるようです(Download avsFilmCutter より)。

avs2wav を更新

  • avs2wav を更新。
  • v1.1 で追加されたコマンドラインスイッチ(-g)の説明を追加しました。
最終更新日時: 2007-06-26 (火) 23:31:48 (6149d)