niiyan/2005-07-23 のバックアップ差分(No.2)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*** [[LTSMC関数:]] by Didée [#w171cf3b]

>[[Doom9's Forum - denoiser comparison for analogue caps:]]
>1) The current method of artefact protection indeed causes some unwanted softening on sharp sources (trying to find a better one)
>2) In its current form, it is close to unusable: Due to some, erhm, uneducated usage of MVTools, switching on LTSMC's stronger features will cause h.u.g.e. memory consumption. Read: without at least 1GB of RAM, don't even think of using it. 2GB would be recommended.

*** [[ColorLooks v1.2:]] by Wilbert [#j1daafa0]

-Trevlac氏の[[Color Looks:]]とDonald Greaft氏の[[Colorize:]](ともにVirtualDubフィルタ)の移植版。

-収録されているフィルタ([[Doom9's Forum - ColorLooks:]]より引用)
 Technicolor(clip, channel="R") # default values gives technicolor effect
requires RGB

 Colorize(clip, color=0x896c8d, scale=false)
requires YUV

 Sepia(clip, color=0x896c8d, mode="triangular") # default values gives the Sepia effect
mode="triangular" (applies color to mid-tones), "linear" (applies color to high-tones)~
requires YUV

 Posterize(clip, pbits=8)
requires RGB/YUY2 (YV12 will follow later)

>[[Doom9's Forum - ColorLooks:]]
>1) You should use yuv values for color. I will change that later.
>2) Technicolor is not good yet. It works in VDub, but not in WMP (due to lookup tables).
>3) Docs will be added when i'm back from holidays.

***サンプルスクリプト/複数のクリップを組み合わせる(2)を追加 [#pb5e663b]
