MultiClipFunctions のバックアップ差分(No.1)

  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
There are some functions which combine two or more clips in different ways. How the video content is calculated is described for each function, but here is a summary which properties the result clip will have. 

The input clips must always have the same color format and - with the exception of Layer - the same dimensions. 

||~frame-rate|>|~frame-count|~audio content|~audio sampling rate|
|~[[AlignedSplice>Splice]], [[UnalignedSplice>Splice]]|first clip|>|sum of all clips|see filter description|first clip|
|~[[Dissolve]]|~|>|sum of all clips minus the overlap|~|~|
|~[[MergeLuma?Merge]], [[MergeChroma>Merge]]|~|first clip|the last frame of the shorter clip is repeated until the end of the clip|first clip|~|
|~[[Subtract]]|~|longer clip|~|~|~|
|~[[StackHorizontal>Stack]], [[StackVertical>Stack]]|~|~|~|~|~|
|~[[Interleave]]|(fps of first clip) x (number of clips)|2x frame-count of longer clip|~|~|~|

As you can see the functions are not completely symmetric but take some attributes from the FIRST clip. 

註: AviSynth 2.5.5のマニュアル(Multi-Clip Functions/Functions with more than one input clip)より転載。