DGMPGDec Version 1.4.1 リリース候補 2 †
MaskTools 2.0 alpha 4 †
- 変更点
- Alpha 3
* Fixed : mt_invert, mt_binarize, mt_lutxy, which weren't working properly anymore
* Fixed : offset created by incorrect rounding in mt_convolution
* Fixed : mmx version of edges filters ( soft thresholding, and roberts )
* Fixed : mmx version of motion edge ( soft thresholding )
* added : mt_mappedblur
- Alpha 3
- Alpha 4
* added : custom modes for inpand / expand
Prewittプラグイン(Prewitt_08Aug05.dll) by mg262 †
- これは何?
- Prewittフィルタを使ったエッジ検出プラグイン?
- Prewittフィルタについて
- 書式
Prewitt(bool thin = false)
- mg262氏による説明
Doom9's Forum - Neural Network Processing
The brightness of output will correspond to the strength of an edge. It will all be relatively dark, so you might want to follow it up with a Levels call (with coring off).
AudioConvolutionプラグイン(AudioConvolution_26Aug05.dll) by mg262 †
- これは何?
- Mug Funky氏の発言をヒントにmg262氏が作成したシンプルな音声プラグイン。
Doom9's Forum - AudioConvolution filter
Originally Posted by Mug Funky
a convolver plugin would be very cool.
that would handle reverbs, frequency filters and phase filters all in 1 go.
just use an audio app to generate an impulse (make a 1-sample click and filter it), and point the avs plugin to that wave file.
- Mug Funky氏の発言をヒントにmg262氏が作成したシンプルな音声プラグイン。
- 書式(Doom9's Forum - AudioConvolution filterより)
AudioConvolution(clip input, clip kernel)
- 使用上の注意(mg262氏による説明)
Doom9's Forum - AudioConvolution filter
You must pass in clips with video; audio must be 16-bit; kernel must have mono audio.