
fft3dGPU 0.47


  • 変更点(mvtools.htmより引用)

    0.9.12 (Released 09.11.2005 by Fizick)

    • Added MVFlowInter function. MVInter function will be removed in next release (it is worse).
    • Changed scale of ml parameter for kind=2 of MVMask to more optimal default.
    • Fixed small bug in Bilinear.asm (strange pixels near right border for pel=2).

Motion, 9 November 2005 (revised)

  • 変更点
    • SimpleFPSフィルタの追加?
  • 古いバージョンでVirtualDubなどがクラッシュする原因についての説明

    Doom9's Forum - Motion filter : real-time true-motion motion compensation ... alpha version

    When copying a 4x4 block that required vertical but not horizontal interpolation in assembly, I read a 4x5 block, averaged and then wrote a 4x5 block... . That code has been in there since almost the first version, but for some reason it didn't show up until recently. Thanks for catching it!




*1 revised = 改訂版。

最終更新日時: 2014-03-13 (木) 00:10:33 (3696d)